Core Fitness Education - Fitness Qualifications & Courses | Courses | Gait Analysis

Based on 5 Reviews


Group booking discounts available for bookings of 6 or more.

  • One of the only courses of its kind in the country
  • Learn from our experienced Sports Medicine Doctors and Physiotherapists
  • Course is open to coaches, personal trainers, running shop owners, podiatrists and physios
  • Evidence based course
  • Weekend course to work around your life

This qualification is for any instructor who wants to increase their understanding of gait and biomechanics and start to use manual examination and video analysis skills when analysing gait.

We are delighted to be one of the only providers in the UK to offer this specialist gait analysis course. Over the years we have trained personal trainers, running shop workers, athletics and triathlon coaches, physiotherapists and podiatrists.

Learn everything you need to analyse a running technique and provide advice to improve technique as well as provide advice on footwear.

On this full day course you will cover:

  • Key anatomy and biomechanics
  • Manual Examination of the foot
  • Video set up and analysis
  • Running drills and techniques
  • Running shoes and footwear

Entry Requirements
Students must be over 16 years of age. There are no other entry requirements.

You will be supported throughout the course by your dedicated educational supervisor.

In this short module we discuss how to get the most out of the course and what you need to do!

In this in depth module we teach the key anatomy of the lower limb and lumbar spine in detail.

In this module we look at the different phases of walking and running. We analyse what happens to the joints and muscles.

In this module our sport and exercise medicine doctor discusses common injuries, how they occur and how they can be prevented and treated.

In this module we use our 6 point method to assess the foot and lower limb.

In this module we teach students how to set up the video equipment and use a range of equipment and software from paid software to free apps with phone or tablets. Good analysis does not have to be a costly set up process!

Here we discuss footwear, look at the different types, how they are made and what they do. With this information you can help clients select the shoes that are suitable for their needs.

Here we discuss everything you need to set up your gait analysis business, equipment, environments as well as how to market your business.

Sarah Hilson

Thursday 24 November 2016

Will feel more confident at work tomorrow- thankyou

Izzy Johnson

Friday 18 November 2016

I enjoyed learning how to examine the foot like physios and doctors do.


Thursday 17 November 2016

Super course. Bought a tripod stand for my ipad. Will add it to my PT and massage business.

Ashok Patel

Monday 31 October 2016

Worth travelling from New York for! Dr Dane was excellent

Jonathan Madison

Friday 28 October 2016

Fantastic course, well taught.

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You will be assessed by:

  • Gait Analysis case study at the end of day 1.

Does your business, leisure club, university, college or workplace need training?

If you have at least 6 students that require training we can come to you or you can come to us! Get in touch to have a discussion and receive a competitive quote.

Organisations we have worked with:

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